An experiment in honesty:

I chose to open up an online blog because I have a story to tell. I am twenty nine year old woman, to be honest I am a woman child. What I mean when I say that is that I am just starting to live this year, I am in recovery from drugs and alcohol. I am a work in progress, I spend the majority of my time learning about my human condition and trying to grow spiritually. Recovery to me means caring for myself across three levels- Physical, Mental and Spiritual. I chose to name my blog “On the beam” because that is what my life is about right now, finding and staying on the beam. I am passively and actively at any given moment finding center and balance in these things every minute of every single day. I want to share my story because I want to change the way that people look at recovery and people in recovery. Recovery is not neat or tidy, recovery is also not boring, recovery is not easy. Recovery is also not hard. To me recovery is a lot like a jungle gym, its not linear what so ever. I make progress when I do the work and I don’t make progress or in rare cases regress when I don’t do the work. To me the work involves the program and fellowship of AA, it involves mental health counseling, it involves taking care of physical fitness by working out and feeding my body healthy food. In order for me to feel my best I have to find the balance between spinning the things involved with these three rings on a day to day basis. I have a relationship with a higher power today and I am learning to depend on my higher power more and more every day. I swear when I write sometimes just a heads up. I will publish anything from a regular journal style post, to poetry, to my fitness routine for that day and how I felt after. The only two things I promise are that I will be actively posting and that I will be honest about my experiences.

2 thoughts on “An experiment in honesty:

  1. You’re right – ‘Recovery’ isn’t just about getting and staying well. In mental health, recovery may not always refer to the process of complete recovery from a mental health problem in the way that we might recover from a physical health problem.

    Recovery can mean different things to different people, however, for many, recovery is about the realisation of goals, and the development of relationships and skills that support a positive life, with or without ongoing mental health problems.
    Wishing you well and looking forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! ❤️
      I have definitely learned that recovery is just as dynamic and progress as the illness.
      I’m definitely learning to love the process and learning to love the ways I’m doing differently in my life.
      I look forward to sharing my story as time progresses.

      Liked by 1 person

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