Self Love: an epic

That’s why I have taken this vow of celibacy and no dating. The celibacy thing is tentative…. I’m gonna try for six months and then a year. I want to be loved and love again eventually- I want to love myself so that I can believe it when someone else tells me. I want to root out that rot that sits inside of me still this next year… I want to nourish my platonic relationships and nourish my village. I want to nourish my soul— I want to fall in love and date myself for a bit. I’m thrilled and terrified at the same time. Continue reading Self Love: an epic

Going with the flow: an account of how much I’ve actually changed.

I was walking around with the heavy weight of shame, guilt, distrust in myself, low self esteem, and this insatiable urge to fuck but I wanted to fuck a woman. I was walking on egg shells at home because of the damage I had caused my last spree before I went to jail. Continue reading Going with the flow: an account of how much I’ve actually changed.

The power of an honest conversation: The ultimate guide to building good relationships with the people around you.

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation that is bringing frustration, anxiety, and the feeling of being crowded? Have you ever had a friend, lover, family member ask something of you that you didn’t want to do but you did it out of fear of losing them or starting a conflict? Have you ever been offended or hurt by an action or the words that someone you love has done or said? If you answered yes to any of these questions I’d highly recommend reading this guide. Continue reading The power of an honest conversation: The ultimate guide to building good relationships with the people around you.